If you want to commence, run a business that is different from existing businesses in the market. You cannot join the running business in the UK market. There is a condition that your idea is unique. The business must be endorsed by the authorized body, also called the endorsing body, so you can apply for an innovator Visa.
Proficiency in English is mandatory for this VISA type. This visa is issued for 3 years period, but you can change your visa type while staying in the UK. You can also update and extend your visa multiple times. You can also apply for settlement after 3 years completed on innovator period. There is a complete procedure for application
The decision on your application will be given in 3 weeks if you are outside from the UK and 8 weeks if you are in the UK applicant. Under this visa category, you can commence a new innovative business with potential growth. You must be mentioned as self-employed and business Director. You can bring your spouse, children with you to the UK to live. You cannot do any job or work except your business.
Investor, business development and talent visa:
If you want to commence, run a business that is different from existing businesses in the market. You cannot join the running business in the UK market. There is a condition that your idea is unique. The business must be endorsed by the authorized body, also called the endorsing body, so you can apply for an innovator Visa.
Proficiency in English is mandatory for this VISA type. This visa is issued for 3 years period, but you can change your visa type while staying in the UK. You can also update and extend your visa multiple times. You can also apply for settlement after 3 years completed on innovator period. There is a complete procedure for application
The decision on your application will be given in 3 weeks if you are outside from the UK and 8 weeks if you are in the UK applicant. Under this visa category, you can commence a new innovative business with potential growth. You must be mentioned as self-employed and business Director. You can bring your spouse, children with you to the UK to live. You cannot do any job or work except your business.